Hunt-a-Killer: Horror

The new subscription released October 1st, 2020.

Hunt-A-Killer is a subscription based murder mystery. Their Horror-based game is more about the myths.

With every case comes in 6 episodes. Each episode comes a box with different items to help solve the case.


This season we are exploring the myth of the Blair Witch in the Black Forests in Maryland. Rosemary Kent needs your help. Five years after the mysterious death of her husband in the infamous Black Hills Forest, her teenage son Liam has gone missing, and law enforcement in her hometown of Burkittsville is more than willing to write him off as a runaway. There is, or course, more to the case than initially meets the eye – Liam was behaving very strangely in the weeks leading up to his disappearance and had developed a fascination with the history of the Blair Witch. Can you and Rosemary delve into the mystery of the Blair Witch and reunite the Kent family?

Thankful we do not have to watch the movies or play the video games to understand what is happening. I do recommend doing research and watching the documentary.

So far only episode 1 has been released. It is a slowly released season. 1 episode every month.