Fallout New Vegas-Big MT

Remember we are exploring the Big Mountain dlc. So last time we left off in the X-8 building exploring. There was alot left to explore and we had just reached level 40. I had to turn off my show and popped on a movie so lets explore watching Fantastic Beasts and where to find them 2…. Looks like(according to the map) we are just a two hallways from our goal. We finished the last day killing a robot. Heading down the hallway there is a box with some loot & ammo. Continuing down the hallway and we turn left down … Continue reading Fallout New Vegas-Big MT

Playing tonight…

SO I am having a stressful day at work today and hopefully will be getting off (also not feeling well) so while we rest and are forced to eat soup. I will be playing some fallout.   We are watching the Borgias currently and I do have homework to work on all weekend but I think a few hours of Fallout would be very beneficial to my health considering my stressful day…no I have been stress all week so I will be playing!!! I will also post the rest of the hunt-a-killer summaries. I have finished 4 out of 6 … Continue reading Playing tonight…

Medici Review

I am so sorry that this is so late but life has been crazy. Practically chaos with juggling school, work, home and the effects of this stupid COVID-19. I hope anyone that reads this is healthy and safe but I do hate it just by the chaos it caused. So back to the review…. The Medici were one of the most powerful families in Florence.  This show shows how five generations changed Florence from Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici in 1409 when he rose from a simple wool merchant and started the Medici Bank to Lorenzo de’ Medici the Magnificent … Continue reading Medici Review