Double Feature

Hubby and I had a double feature last night after a very busy night with ubereats. I made pork chops and velvetta, kids in bed and baby washed and feed. Zombieland- currently on Netflix A comedy movie released in 2009 about a post zombie apocalypse. It stars a funny Jesse Eisenberg as a young college student scared of everything but has to leave his safe haven to head home to Columbus, Ohio with his own list of rules. He comes across a zombie killer named Tallahassee (ok alias) who lets tag along as they both head west. Trouble starts has … Continue reading Double Feature

Exploring the Mojave

Ok It is so cold outside that there is no hot water so while I wait for the water to get hot I shall try to get into the Boomers base. We tried the train tunnel and that didn’t work so we need to find another way into the base… I hate to admit it but I did dead once, the second time I ran straight towards the Base, running through broken building and honestly leaving my companions behind until I got to the gate. Once I got to the gate the bombs stop, now to make to the entrance … Continue reading Exploring the Mojave

Exploring the Mojave

Ok small break to give my youngest some boob milk (lol) and to wake up my middle baby so he can eat. Poor boy was up at 7am this morning and didn’t take a nap until almost 3 and that was maybe 20mins in the car. He took a nice two hour nap around 6pm after he ate a tiny bit of dinner. Hopefully since he is up he will eat a little bit more. Poor hubby will have to stay up with him until he goes to bed tonight. I really want more food but I might wait a … Continue reading Exploring the Mojave

Exploring the Strip

And I am back…My husband is at his D&D group, my oldest is in his room playing quietly after eating dinner and my two youngest are..actually they are asleep. We are exploring the Strip. We are currently in the NCR Embassy, in the second building. If you are in the central room there are two doors. One leads to a small hallway with two bathrooms and a jail cell and in the second room is the weapons hold right behind the yellow-hard locked door. Everything in both buildings were not loot-able. (Remember everything red is stealing can cause either lost … Continue reading Exploring the Strip

Exploring the Strip

Since we finished exploring the Ultra-Luxe, we have explored everything in the middle section of the Strip. On to the further portion… The inner-section of the New Vegas Strip has the Vault 21 hotel/casino, NCR Embassy, and Michael Angelo’s. We have already explored Vault 21 so first step NCR Embassy… NCR Embassy: Located at the end of the Strip, right across the street of Michael Angelo’s. It is guarded by NCR MPs and is fenced in. There are two buildings on site. If you talk to one of the MPs they will tell you that the Ambassador is in the … Continue reading Exploring the Strip

Good Morning from the Strip…

Good morning. Family and I slept in today so no lunch shift for me and hubby has his D&D group tonight so no dinner shift and with his paycheck coming on Wednesday, I am not too worried. I’ll work the rest of this week and then maybe I’ll retire…Maybe not. Anyway I think it is time for a Fallout New Vegas Progress Report…. We just finished the White Glove Society and I believe that means we have only two more locations to explore on the New Vegas Strip…YAY!!!! I do have a few more quests to do but I think … Continue reading Good Morning from the Strip…

Exploring the Strip

Ok Had another bad night working. Had two successful deliveries and then on the third I picked up the food, go into my car and turned the key….and nothing. My car wouldn’t start. For a full 20 mins I tried to start and I knew it wouldn’t start so I called uber to cancel the ride (in tears) and they did. I felt so bad because that mean the customer’s order would have to be refunded and they would have to try to order their food again. I have only had to cancel a delivery once before and that is … Continue reading Exploring the Strip

Exploring the Strip

Ok We left searching for a missing cowboy inside the Ultra-Luxe hotel and casino. We found out that another investigator was searching for another missing person and there are rumors of the White Glove Society who run the Ultra-Luxe are cannibal. When we went searching for the investigator we found him…died and when we right as we found his body two members of the White Glove Society attacked us. Since we had no weapons we had to use our fists against two canes. (no weapons allowed in casinos). We did have a lead to both missing persons. Steam shower @ … Continue reading Exploring the Strip